Mission Hillsboro Medical Clinic - Hillsboro, Texas
The Hillsboro Farmers Market runs from 8 am to 1 pm each Saturday from May through September on the courthouse square in Hillsboro, Texas
Hillsboro, Texas free summer concert series downtown. Outdoor concerts every Saturday night from May through the end of September. Hear live bands and bring your lawn chairs. Saturday nights 8-11 pm all summer!
ZUMBA group fitness - Hillsboro, Texas ?$8.00 drop in fee - Mondays and Wednesdays each week. Bring water, small towel and workout shoes.
Printed courtesy of www.hillsborochamber.org – Contact the Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce for more information.
115 N. Covington, Hillsboro, TX 76645 – (254) 582-2481 – memberservices@hillsborochamber.org