Catholic Charities Fort Worth- Northwest Campus
Nonprofits and Civic Organizations
About Us
At Catholic Charities Fort Worth, we relentlessly end poverty through holistic, research-based solutions. Founded in 1910, CCFW serves tens of thousands of people in North Texas, and across the nation, each year.
The beginning of our more than 100-year history was simple. A small group of women went to St. Patrick Cathedral in downtown Fort Worth to petition then-Bishop Edward J. Dunne to begin a “work of mercy.” They wanted to help the poor and vulnerable in their community, in any way they could. Sometimes that meant only being able to offer families a dollar or two. It wasn’t much, but it enabled families to put food on their tables and hope in their hearts.
From these humble beginnings, we’ve evolved into the research-backed, poverty-ending powerhouse we are today.
Through our five Out of Poverty Pathways, we’ve helped more than 20,000 of our friends and neighbors in need leave poverty behind, for good.
905 Holiday
Wichita Falls TX 76301