LP Physical Therapy
Physical TherapyNursing Home, Rehab and Assisted LivingSenior Resources and Services
About Us
Welcome to LP Physical Therapy
Locations ~ Hillsboro, Whitney, West, Hubbard and Alvarado
We pride ourselves in educating and assisting you with the tools needed to live life to the fullest. From providing you with the information to adapt and rebuild your life, to increasing mobility and strength after a fall or injury, we are here for you each step of the way.
Reduce and manage chronic pain without opioid dependence. Our goal is to work with you to achieve your best! We will push you, encourage you, and be your own personal cheerleader!
Our highly skilled Doctors of Physical Therapy care about each patient and create a plan customized to meet your individual needs. Each patient comes to us with unique circumstances and different backgrounds and it is our job to create a treatment plan that will help them have the best quality of life possible.