Texas A&M AgriLife Extension


Agriculture and Farm Education and Services

About Us

Agriculture still remains the leading industry today, with agricultural commodities sales averaging about $70,000,000 annually. Other than agriculture, Hill County is economically driven by light industry and retail outlets.

For over 100 years, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service has been active in Hill County, seeking to respond to the community-based needs of the people and to provide quality outreach and educational programs to Hill County citizens. Hill County is home to 4 county extension agents that specialize in the areas of entomology, 4-H and youth development, family and consumer science, and agriculture and natural resources. Extension work in Hill County centers around promoting and improving the health and well-being of county citizens, improving environmental stewardship, the economic competitiveness, viability and stability of the county, and promoting life skills and leadership in youth and adults in the county.


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