Tom's Tire & Services Center - U-Haul
Auto Repairs, Maintenance and ServicesMoving Companies & Services
MONDAY thru FRIDAY 7:30 am - 5:30 pm SATURDAY 7:30 am - 12:00 noon SUNDAY - Closed
Driving Directions:
3 blocks north of the courthouse on Waco street
About Us
“Quality and service is our family tradition.
Stop by and let us prove it to you!''
Toms Tire and Service Center was first established back in 1981
by Tom himself. His goal was to provide quality tires and
automotive service for Hill County. Our goals remain the same. ''We treat every vehicle like Mom's'' and work to remain more than your average Tire Shop.
We are automobile lovers with years of experience, who offer you the best advice regarding your tire and repair needs. Stop by our store today and talk with our friendly employees to learn more about what we can do for you.
Wheel Alignments, Brake Service, Oil Change, Shocks and Struts, Air Conditioning Service and Repair, Batter and Charging System Check, Tire Repairs, Wheel Balance and Rotations and Exhaust and Repair
We are a family owned and operated business. Three generations of the Paris family serving Hill County for 40 years. Come by and meet Ron and Ronny Paris they look forward to helping you and your family just like Tom taught them.