Wisenbaker Builder Services & Brandom Manufacturing

Wisenbaker Builder Services & Brandom Manufacturing


Construction Contractors & ConsultantsConstruction SuppliesManufacturing and Warehouse

About Us

Wisenbaker Builder Services is a global, direct source supplier to the Texas residential new construction market. Our target customers are local, regional and nationally-based production builders.

Our product offerings include cabinets, countertops, flooring, window coverings and a wide variety of sinks. Furthermore, we provide a full-service buyer experience through our company-owned and operated Design Studios.

In addition to serving all major Texas markets, we also have offices in Asia and Brazil that support our global product sourcing activities.

404 Hawkins St. Hillsboro TX 76645
(254) 580-1200
Visit our website to see our jobs in Hillsboro, Texas


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Wisenbaker Jobs in Hillsboro, Texas
Category: Manufacturing
See the Hillsboro, Texas jobs openings for Wisenbaker Builder Services   If you’re ready to work with a leader in the industry, you’ve come to the right place.  A career at WBS offers continuous opportunities for advancement with a wide range of career destinations. We offer career paths in the following areas:Inside Operations (Order Logistics, Estimating, Inventory, Distribution)Sales ...read more
Phone:(254) 580-1200