Hill College Presents, Voices of Fort Worth
The Phillip H. Lowe Performing Arts Series continues 30-year celebration with Voices of Fort Worth
Hillsboro, Texas—On March 19, 2024, at 7 p.m., the Phillip H. Lowe Performing Arts Series presents the final act of the 30th anniversary season with Voices of Fort Worth (VOICES) at the Vara Martin Daniel Performing Arts Center on the Hill County Campus.
“Under the leadership of Artistic Director Dr. Jerome M. Bierschenk, the Voices of Fort Worth, which specializes in a cappella literature spanning every musical era from the early Renaissance to the 21st century, will take the stage at Hill College this March. They last performed on the Hill College stage in 2016. VOICES is comprised of highly skilled singers from throughout the area whose unique voices and refined musicianship result in a broad range of choral timbres,” said Instructor of Music Larry McCord.
In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Phillip H. Lowe Performing Arts Series, Hill College has launched a year-long fundraising campaign, “30 for 30,” to support the future of programming for the series. The goal of the fundraising campaign is to raise $30,000 through memberships and donations before the end of 2024.
Become a member of the Phillip H. Lowe Performing Arts Series and support the “30 for 30” campaign. Membership levels include: BENEFACTOR ($100), a SUSTAINER ($50), a PATRON ($25), or a SUPPORTER ($10) of the Hill College Performing Arts Series. For a donation of $1,000 or more you can become a LIFETIME BENEFACTOR. Names of donors appear in each program.
All supporting donations are charitable contributions. Your donation can be made in person, by calling 254.659.7707, or mailing a check or money order to:
Larry McCord
Hill College Visual and Performing Arts
112 Lamar Dr.
Hillsboro, Texas 76645
For more information on the Phillip H. Lowe Performing Arts Series, please visit https://www.hillcollege.edu/CampusLife/PerformingArts/PASeries.html.

Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM CDT