Hillsboro City Council Meeting
The City Council meets at historic City Hall in downtown Hillsboro. Please enter through the back entrance. See the City of Hillsboro website this link
City Council meetings occur on the first and third Tuesday of each calendar month.
The Hillsboro City Council is composed of the Mayor and six (6) members of the Council. The Mayor and Council Members serve two (2) year terms. Council seats 2, 4, and 6 are up for election in even numbered years and the Mayor and council seats 1, 3, and 5 are up for election in odd numbered years.
City of Hillsboro Mayor Scott Johnson
City Council Members
Place 1- Eric Fleming
Place 2- Larry Lloyd
Place 3- Dana Robinson
Place 4- Frances Zarate
Place 5- Leann Richmond
Place 6 - Jay Jolly

Date and Time
Tuesday May 6, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM CDT
6pm each first and third Tuesday of the month
The City Council meets at Historic City Hall
127 / 129 East Franklin Street in Hillsboro