Hillsboro FFA AG Mechanics Show
Hillsboro FFA AG Mechanics Show February 28th 9:00am
4 Sets of Judges with major show success or experience with judging major AG Mechanic project show!
It is a state wide invitational ag mechanics project show where all proceeds go towards the expenses of the show, pay for our judges, and give students prizes and awards to further their construction/welding education and skills. It’s also an another way to pay for our ffa officers and members to go to state ffa convention to Help offset any costs.
If you are interested please email Tyler.ketchum@hillsboroisd.org or call me at 254-582-4100 ext 1026

Date and Time
Friday Feb 28, 2025
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST
Hill County Fairgrounds
205 Stadium Dr
Hillsboro TX 76645
Entry Fee $30.00