Weekly Bible Study - Noon at El Conquistador Restaurant
Christian believers and seekers are welcome and invited to attend the weekly community Bible study group each Thursday at noon in the private dining room of El Conquistador restaurant in Hillsboro.
Current and active participants are from diverse theological backgrounds, but are committed to Jesus and the authority of God's word.
No reservations are required and all are invited to attend. For additional information, or to be added to the contact list, please contact Will Lowrance at lowrancew@sbcglobal.net.
Our history: In August 2011, a group of Christian neighbors began meeting on Corsicana Street weekly for Bible Study and fellowship.
Christian believers and seekers are invited to attend.

Date and Time
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Weekly, Thursdays at noon
El Conquistador Hillsboro Restaurant - Weekly at noon on Thursdays
Contact Information
Weekly community bible study in Hillsboro, Texas at El Conquistador restaurant, noon each week on Thursdays. For more information, email lowrancew@sbcglobal.net
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