Lets Play Together Workshop
EARLY LITERACY EVENT ?Let?s Play! Together? is a five-week program for toddlers and their parents/caregivers. This fun, informal, play-based program provides a rich environment of toys, books and art activities. Families have the opportunity to spend time together, make new friends, and talk one-on-one with a different community resource professional each week. For more information visit our page: https://www.hillsborotxlibrary.org/family-place Sign-up link coming soon!
Monthly Community Bingo at Homestead Nursing & Rehabilitation Hillsboro
Community Bingo at Homestead is a monthly event on the last Wednesday of every month. Enjoy meeting the staff, residents, and visitors at this lively Bingo game. Free to play, and snacks and prizes are provided. RSVP to Jerika at 254-582-8416 411 Old Brandon Road in Hillsboro, TX
ZUMBA Dance workout at R & R Fitness
ZUMBA group fitness - Hillsboro, Texas ?$8.00 drop in fee - Mondays and Wednesdays each week. Bring water, small towel and workout shoes.