Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce

Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce


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About Us

Hillsboro area businesses, industry, organizations and individuals choose Chamber membership for a variety of reasons.

To Connect, Network and Belong
For Visibility and Credibility in our area
Ribbon Cuttings and Promotion for New Businesses
Our Members receive Gratis Advertising and Press Releases
They Stay Informed and Included
Opportunity for Leadership and Advocacy for Hillsboro
For Social and Recreational Event Involvement
They Work to Advance Hillsboro Business and Tourism success

Unlock your potential in Hillsboro, and take the first step by inquiring. Please call 254-582-2481 or email memberservices@hillsborochamber.org. Memberships are conservatively priced on a sliding scale by business size, and renew annually.


Party Chief - Peede Surveyors Hillsboro Texas
Category: Skilled and Trades
DESCRIPTION Peede & Associates Land Surveyors, LTD specializes in large rural boundary surveys with over 40 years’ experience throughout Texas including nearly 20 years’ experience in Hill County. Our skilled team includes two Registered Professional Land Surveyors to ensure all work meets technical requirements and legal standards. Our small staff size enables us to communicate efficiently ...read more
Contact: Crystal Harris
Part time desk clerk
Category: Hotel, Gaming, Leisure, and Travel
Part time desk clerk approximately 20-24 hours on Sunday and Monday nights from 10pm to 10am. Duties include rental and check out of rooms, breakfast prep and cleanup, other light duties, etc. Serious applicants only please.
Contact: Christy Patel